Aleap for health startups

MUB Medical Joins Aleap in Oslo to Accelerate Commercialization

We are thrilled to announce that MUB Medical Solutions has joined Aleap, the largest incubator for health startups in the Nordics. This exciting partnership marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize wound closure with our innovative product, Sutrips.

Aleap’s unique incubator model is designed to support ambitious entrepreneurs in building successful growth companies. With access to world-class competence, a vast network of industry experts, and funding opportunities, we are confident that our membership with Aleap will propel us forward on our mission.

Ubbat Ocak and Yasar Shaikh, CEOs of MUB Medical, express their enthusiasm about this collaboration. They firmly believe that joining Aleap will provide them with invaluable knowledge and connections that will expedite the process of bringing Sutrips to the market.

By becoming a part of Aleap, we are aligning ourselves with a vibrant ecosystem of like-minded innovators and industry leaders. This collaboration will undoubtedly foster an environment of collaboration, learning, and growth, enabling us to make a tangible impact in the field of wound closure.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Aleap for their belief in our vision and for providing us with this remarkable opportunity. We are excited to embark on this journey together and look forward to leveraging the resources and support offered by Aleap to bring Sutrips to healthcare providers and patients worldwide.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation and transform the landscape of wound closure.

Do you know that  MUB Medical Visited Center for Surgical Science at Zealand University Hospital last week?

Ubbat Ocak

Ubbat Ocak is a visionary entrepreneur and the driving force behind MUB Medical Solutions. With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry, Ubbat has dedicated himself to revolutionizing wound closure practices. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to making a positive impact have propelled MUB Medical to the forefront of the field. Ubbat's leadership and forward-thinking approach inspire his team to push boundaries and deliver cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes. With his unwavering determination and strategic vision, Ubbat Ocak is shaping the future of wound closure technologies.